English Bulldog Price, How Much And What To Look For

A normal English bulldog price starts at +$3,000 for standard colors and for rare color puppies up to $10,000. Adverts for $500 are a 100% scam. Before buying please read through this page.

How English Bulldog Pricing Is Decided

The English bulldog is priced in the same way as frenchies, it's price is decided by gender & color. (Pricing table below gives selection of colors and genders to show how price is affected). Females are sold at a premium of around 20% compared to males. The dogs color will be the biggest factor, the coloring alone could triple the dogs value. As a warning you should know that breeders DO NOT sell dogs at a discount, the market is efficient and the breeders always know their exact value, do not entertain bargain priced dogs. A good breeder will have investment costs they need to cover and financially cannot sell pups cheap. Some scum make a living collecting deposits for dogs that don't exist, please please be careful when buying your dog.


Standard "red" male




Standard "red" female




Lilac male




Lilac male with tan points




Blue & Tan




Blue Merle




Lilac tri




Lilac fully suited




This list is not exhaustive because there is so many variations & combinations. We did not include fluffy, platinum, Isabelle, the list really is endless! Hopefully it will educate you on the current market and get you quickly up to speed on the subject of pricing.

Common English Bulldog Health Issues To Look For

Cherry Eye

Cherry eye is very common among bulldogs, its a condition where the dogs third eyelid becomes visible and pops out. It can be easily treated with surgery! Discuss with the breeder in writing who will pay for this should your pup develop it.

Brachycephalic Syndrome

This is common with English bulldogs or any dog with a shorter nose, the condition occurs when the dogs airways become obstructed usually by internal tissue, surgery may be needed to remove the excess tissue.

Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca

KCS also known as 'Dry eye' caused by inflammation. This condition is more often seen in adult dogs rather than puppies. Its easily treated by applying prescribed medication from your vet.

What Food Is Best For English Bulldogs? 3 Choices

Benefits Of Grain-Free Kibble

It's not popular right now to buy things from big companies, but the reality is some of these guys really have the science down and have done all the hard work for you. Kibble is easy to store and to buy, the ingredients individually would be very expensive. We recommend buying premium kibble from good manufactures that come with solid online reviews. Please check out our reviews sections.

Avoid Feeding Raw-Meat To Dogs

Do not feed your dog raw meat. Cheap skate breeders who don't want to pay for good food have pushed the idea that "raw is best" but the reality is it's dangerous for your dog and children. Do not risk bringing e.Coli and Salmonella into your house. Raw meat dog does not contain the correct nutritional requirements.

Doggie Home-made Recipes

If you're going to dedicate yourself to breeding dogs this is certainly a great idea. Hand made from scratch you can guarantee quality control on what the dog is given. 5 stars from us. The only downside is the economies of scale, freezer space and prep time can be draining for regular owners.

Are English Bulldogs Good With Kids? Do They Bite?

Expects Lots Of Laziness!

As a puppy you'll notice the English bulldog burns out quicker than a regular normie puppy, they will burst energy for maybe 2/3 hours and then spend very long spells asleep. Then can be so lazy a new owner may worry about it.

As the dog matures they normally lose interest in going for walkies, this may be due to heat, too over-weight, hip problems or just plain laziness. The dogs are so lazy that you will need to feed them less as they age to reduce their calorie intake. Huge fat ropes may look cute, but they're not good for daily walks.

Are Bulldogs Child Friendly?

The English bulldog, is very docile and is not normally aggressive. Kids enjoy their slow, silly, almost child like play. They're not thought of often as family pets but they're ideal for lots of families, just understand they're clumsy and can weigh +25kg so expect them to do plenty of bumping into things, just don't leave small infants alone with a heavy clumsy dog.

English Bulldogs Are Stubborn

The English bulldog is not a very compliant dog. There is plenty of well trained examples in shows, but in general they don't like rules. They will happily embarrass their owners on walkies by sitting down, not moving off couches or refusing walks. If you're an elderly person think twice about how you would handle a heavy stubborn dog like this!

English Bulldog Bad-Points

Some kennel clubs describe them as "dim" but go on Youtube and you'll see them skateboarding and competing in agility competitions! The worse points of interest are drooling, farting and having to clean their folds of skin. Others online say they don't enjoy the company of strange dogs (I'd probably feel the same). I think those points may be valid but not many owners will care. They don't destroy houses, dig holes or need hours of exercise. Have no tendencies to bite or anything else unruly.

Don't Get Scammed - Before Buying An English Bulldog

Meeting The Seller

I have personally been the victim of a scam seller, this person was a mother with a lovely home, nice phone, well spoken, but behind the scenes a complete scumbag. She sold me a dog that cost thousands of pounds and died within 2 weeks!

Before you pay anyone for a dog you owe the dog a service by background checking who the person really is and ask who the vet is, ask to see paperwork, kennel registrations etc because although this sounds rude, this is business and there are plenty of people pretending to be professionals when they're nothing but absolute scum. No breeder is your friend, treat it like you're buying a house, and don't accept any excuses from them.

Do I Need A Puppy Contract?

BEFORE paying any form of deposit you must have in writing the full terms of what the deal is. You pay X amount for what exactly, and if the dog is sick from Y then who pays out. Otherwise you'll be taking a trip to the small claims court and suing that person should the dog not be as described.

English Bulldog Structure

A very big problem for dogs right now is Instagram. Well intentioned buyers see folks on Insta, they see their followers fawning over the pups, however their followers don't realize their viewing a dog with crooked legs, bowed back, splayed paws, buckled hips and insane obesity. They only see the cute rope and nice markings. Please learn about the breed standard before viewing, it won't take long to learn and you'll potential save thousands in financial headaches.

English Bulldog Temperament

I would personally never buy the last pup of a litter, you will find adverts that say the BS line "decided to sell this one, was keeping it" yada yada... the breeder was always selling it. Be under no illusion, that dog was always for sale. They didn't wait 16 weeks and then pop "... ohh maybe I'll sell this one".

Instead be there from the start, see how all the pups interact with each other and buy the one who's NOT nervous and NOT overly-boisterous, because as those dogs grow those traits will really come through. FYI a nervous dog is more likely to bite than a calm confident dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are English bulldogs expensive to own?

The initial cost of an English bulldog can be expensive, to buy your puppy can cost anywhere from €3,000 - €10,000 depending on color, quality, bloodlines, etc. You will then need to make sure your dog is fed a high quality diet, has a decent bed and crate, high quality toys, a harness and a lead and then you need to consider the cost of pet insurance. If your not willing to spend a lot on your dog this might not be the breed for you!

How fat should my English bulldog be?

English bulldogs love to eat so they have a tendency to gain weight easily, however, its important to make sure your dog doesn't become too fat as its very difficult for this breed to lose weight because its a struggle for them to do any vigorous activities. The ideal weight for an English bulldog is 18-23 kg for a female and 23-25 kg for a male. Become gym buddies and every day share a good meal and walk together.

Do English bulldogs have more vet bills?

If your English bulldog is well looked after, up to date with their vaccinations, exercised daily and fed a high quality diet there is no reason their vet bills should cost anymore than any other breed.

How old do English bulldogs live to?

The English Bulldog lifespan is variable, they live on average between 8-10 years. However some bulldogs have been recorded as living up to 18 years but that is very rare. With the right medical care and regular vet checks your bulldog should live a long life.

Why do English bulldogs need c-sections?

English bulldogs can give birth naturally but its better not to compromise the health of the mother or the litter so a c-section is recommended. The size of the puppies heads can cause complications and the female English bulldogs have a naturally small pelvis!

Is it cruel to own an English bulldogs?

No, its not cruel to own an English bulldog once your dog is well looked after but it is cruel to breed a bulldog that has serious health issues as your passing them down the bloodline.

Do English bulldogs have breathing problems?

English bulldogs fall under the brachycephalic breed which means they have a small head and short nose that can cause them to have a compromised respiratory system. For dogs with severe breathing difficulties your vet may recommend brachycephalic surgery. Do you know those cute rolls and rope your bulldog has all over their body? They can also form inside your dog and restrict their airways so your vet may need to remove remove a small section of tissue to allow your dog to breath better.

Why are English bulldogs expensive to buy?

English bulldogs are expensive to buy because they are very popular and aren't cheap to breed. Unlike other breeds English bulldogs tend to have smaller litters and cannot give birth at home, they require a c-section for a safe birth.

When breeding your English bulldog you need to own a bitch, pay a stud fee and pay a vet for artificial insemination if you don't own the father, pay for DNA testing and health checks, scans and Xrays, and of course the cesarean section. Once the puppies are born you will need to buy whelping supplies, pay for vet checks, medication, vaccinations, microchips, registrations, food and feeding supplies, extra bedding and much more. The first 2 weeks of the puppies life are very important so you need to be on hand at all times, some puppies may need to be hand fed every 2 hours so you might need to take some time off work. Due to the short lifespan of the English bulldog the demand far exceeds the supply! Its important to note, if you want a strong pedigree dog from good bloodlines its going to cost you a bit more. If your committing to spending thousands make sure your getting your money's worth!

Where to buy English bulldogs?

Its very important to buy your dog from a reputable breeder, make sure you do PLENTY of research before handing over any money! Make sure the dog is fully vaccinated, KC (kennel club) registered and free from any health issues. You can always adopt an unwanted bulldog, maybe foster one before buying also, not everything has to be brand new. If you do want to buy from a breeder, please try and create a relationship with them, put your name down with an upcoming litter and follow the mothers progress. As time goes by you'll learn a few things from the breeder and become a better owner overall. The worst thing you could possibly do is panic buy.

How much food do English bulldogs eat?

The amount of food your English bulldog will eat varies, it depends on their weight, age and the quality of the food. Cheap low quality dog foods contains fillers with very little nutrition so your dog will need more cheap food to get their daily requirements and these food can cause digestive issues. If you feed your dog high quality foods you shouldn't have these gastro problems and overall your dog will "perform" better. Treat your dog like an athlete and don't feed it junk.

Are bulldogs good with kids?

English bulldogs are fantastic with children! They are extremely affectionate and loyal, very patient and playful! They are very protective and will watch over your child like one of their own, your English bulldog will become your child's best friend if you put some effort in with the dog and create a family bond. Include your kids in food shopping, walking and your kids will probably become more attached to the dog than you will!

How often should I walk my English bulldog?

You need to walk your English bulldog daily, sometimes twice a day! At the start let their bones harden until say 4 months old. Then build up walks, they should last 15-20 minutes, anymore can cause your dog to overheat which can be very dangerous, never overexert your dog by forcing them to walk longer than they can! PRO TIP: Make the experience enjoyable for the bulldog, otherwise they will go on strike and just sit in the street looking at you.

Avoid bringing your dog out when its too hot (even if you want to enjoy the sun yourself!) as this can lead to heatstroke and breathing issues, aim to walk them early morning or evening time when the climate is good and make sure they are well hydrated! If you cant make it out for a walk try to play fetch or tug of war so your dog still gets their exercise requirements and gets mobile.

How many puppies do  English bulldogs have?

Litter sizes vary from dog to dog depending on their age, health, weight, and when the dog is bred! An English bulldog will have 4 puppies in a litter but its not uncommon to see 10 puppies, when a skilled breeder knows what they're doing! The reason an English bulldog will have smaller litters is because they have smaller wombs that don't have the capacity to carry large litters.

When you correctly match a well fed mating pair by size and age, artificially inseminate and time the progesterone cycle just right your odds of having a bigger litter spikes up. Also there is evidence of bigger litter sizes being hereditary, so buying a pup from a good sized litter may benefit a future breeding program years later.

How do I clean my English bulldog?

Its important to keep your English bulldog clean and free from skin infections, a bath once a week using a decent dog shampoo is a good idea. You should wipe your bulldog daily using a warm wet cloth or even baby wipes for sensitive skin, make sure to pay extra attention to your dogs rolls and wrinkles to prevent harmful bacteria from developing. There is a growing argument against purchasing an english bulldog with large rope. They may appear really cute but that has a cost on yourself and the dog later on in life.